Do Cool Roof Coatings Work?
No other insulation or weatherization material in the world market has the facts, test results and field studies to compare with Super Therm. There is no product in the world market with the proof of performance equal to Super Therm.
Inacurate R-Values For Insulation
What I have learned so far is that the conditions under which R-values are determined for insulation, particularly fiberglass or rock wool, don’t exist in the real world. The insulation is locked in an air tight metal box with 0 humidity in it. Like that is ever going to happen in your house. Then they […]
Why Your Home’s Insulation Doesn’t Work
Insulation was never intended to keep heat in or out. Just slow it down as it travels through your home. The solution to keeping heat out is to not let the sun heat your house. Super Therm does this more effectively than any other product of it’s kind on the market.