Problem: The US Air Force Academy needed to repair and update the concrete pylons and anchor pins that connected the pylons to the iconic aluminum spires. The pins had 50 years of wear and lead paint. With more than a half million visitors every year from across the world, normal chapel life had to continue. Abrasive blasting the pins to remove the lead paint was very difficult and expensive. The health risks and possible danger abrasive blasting would create for visitors made it undesirable.

Solution: Encapsulation proved to be the best answer. Rust Grip, from Superior Products International, II Inc., was chosen because of it’s thin film, ability to prime, penetrate through old coatings and rust then anchor into the steel substrate. It expands into micro fractures and pits then forms an air and moisture barrier on the surface. It‘s UV stable and often functions as a stand alone system of primer, encapsulant and top coat. In this case, the USAFA required a flat black top coat. I chose Wasser MC-Ferrox A 100 MIO aliphatic MCU for a low VOC durable top coat.
The process started by cleaning off 50 years of grime with an environmentally friendly cleaner, hand tooling and power washing. This revealed every layer of paint, down to the bare metal.
Rust Grip was applied at 8 mills wet in two successive coats. A 2-3 hour recoat time was needed to get the wet-on-tacky application for the Rust Grip and the top coat. This technique allowed all three coats to fuse together and provide a very durable and long lasting paint solution.
Better Painting & Coatings was asked to apply the coating system as a factory trained applicator and dealer for SPI coatings. I am proud to serve the men and women in our uniformed services. I have been serving our public along Colorado’s Front Range for 10 years in commercial, residential and industrial sectors. Call Tim Hoeffel at 719-641-5043 or email [email protected] to see how I can provide you better looking longer lasting painting results.