This parking lot radiates heat into the mall
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Temperature of roof before Super Therm
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Temperature of roof after Super Therm
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Higher temps, lower profits

Project: Located in Santiago-Chile, at Mall Plaza Vespucio Shopping Center, which is one of the oldest in Latin America. This place holds a house-care shop known as HOMY ( located at the top level of the building.

The problem started when HOMY noticed that they were not achieving their sales expectative, and they recognized that main reason was that the store has a high temperature during summer time, which leaded the customer to buy quickly and leave the place as soon as possible. There was not a “comfort temperature” which the retail business sets at 24°C. They realized that the roof had no isolation whatsoever, which lead to surfaces temperatures up to 50° C inside the store. Another particularity is that the roof of the store is also a parking lot in the outside face.

This store has 7.000 square meters of roof and was using 5 big A/C generators, full capacity all day.

Solution:. Betapaint Ltda. proposed to generate thermal isolation (radiation) using a heat blocking coating, which was a perfect solution, given we won´t bother the normal use of the store.

The costs were also lower than other solutions. We were the only company who could offer thermal isolation without asking them to close or interfere with the inside of the store. The heat blocking coating was the only solution that provided LEED points (In Chile the LEED program is very important).

As said before, the coating was applied outside; facing the sun and it was a big success. The surface temperature dropped from 63°-65° C to 28°-30°. (Data was taken during environmental temperatures of 32°C).

It is also important to indicate that our proposal went through the
architectural and engineering departments of Mall Plaza (owner of the building) and Sodimac-HOMY (owner of the store).

Results:. Both Mall Plaza and SODIMAC – HOMY, has shown very satisfied with the solution we proposed and applied at the store. The inside temperature went down to comfortable levels; and the A/C systems are working 50% less than before.